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Home Maintenance 101

Home Maintenance 101

Owning a home is a constant responsibility. Upkeep includes aesthetics, but it’s essential not to overlook smaller, less-noticeable aspects of home maintenance as well. For first-time homebuyers, home maintenance might feel somewhat overwhelming. Where do you start? Look no further. Monthly Each month, you can do some easy and inexpensive tasks to prevent extensive maintenance…

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Tips for an Effortless Mortgage Pre-Approval

Tips for an Effortless Mortgage Pre-Approval

Before you start shopping for a home, it’s essential to get pre-approved by a mortgage lender to get a concrete idea of the loan amount, interest rates, and available loan programs. A pre-approval is different from a pre-qualification. The pre-approval process involves gathering information (income and asset documents along with a credit report) to confirm…

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Locking vs Floating a Mortgage

Locking vs Floating a Mortgage

The age-old question of “Lock or Float?” is typical in the mortgage industry. Mortgage brokers get asked this question frequently by first-time home buyers. The answer to this question will determine the mortgage rate borrowers ultimately receive. Interest rates dictate monthly payments for up to 30 years (without refinancing), so this option should not be…

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The Biggest Advantage of Homeownership

The Biggest Advantage of Homeownership

Home is where your heart – and your wealth – is. The benefits of homeownership are vast; there are numerous financial aspects, but the wealth creation is the most significant. Forming household wealth begins with homeownership. According to Freddie Mac, “Homeownership has cemented its role as a part of the American Dream, providing families with…

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Five Reasons to Sell Your House This Spring

Five Reasons to Sell Your House This Spring

When selling a house, most homeowners are looking for a speedy and profitable deal. If you are waiting for the most lucrative time as a seller, the market is ready for you this spring! Here are five reasons why it’s the perfect time to sell your house. Homebuyers are in high demand: Buyer demand is…

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Five Fun Mortgage Facts

The process of obtaining a mortgage can be daunting and time-consuming. However, for the amount of work involved – the reward in getting your mortgage pays off in the end. We’ve compiled a few fun facts about the mortgage process to give yourself a break from the daily grind. Read on! ‘Till Death Do Us…

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DACA Recipients now Eligible for FHA Loans

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) announced a new opportunity for those protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Since January 19, 2021, those individuals can apply for mortgages backed by the FHA. A previous stipulation barred “non-US citizens without lawful residency” from applying for FHA-insured mortgages; the new opportunity for these DACA…

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EB Mortgage Site Goes Live

EB Mortgage has a new website! We launched in February 2021 and we’ll keep you up-to-date with the latest news, tips/tricks, updates, and information on our blog. We are a wholesale mortgage company providing our clients with a new home purchase, refinance, and commercial loan options. With our low rates, we have more products, more…

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