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<strong>What is a Reverse Mortgage</strong>

What is a Reverse Mortgage

Reverse mortgages are specially designed for homeowners 62, and older looking to supplement their income, cover healthcare expenses, etc., by converting part of their home equity into cash. The homeowner retains the title and gets an advance on some of the home equity in lieu of paying monthly mortgage payments. While this may be enticing for…

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Obtaining Cash Through Home Equity Loans, HELOCs

Obtaining Cash Through Home Equity Loans, HELOCs

As a homeowner, you are automatically building equity through time, which can be used to secure low-cost funds by obtaining a second mortgage. Through one-time home equity loans or a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), these options are available for you to access cash for renovations, large purchases, or alternative debt repayment.  Home equity…

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Credit Scores Explained

Credit Scores Explained

Let’s face it, most of us don’t have a couple hundred thousand dollars under our pillow to buy a home or even a new vehicle. We need banks to loan us large amounts of money for big-ticket items. How do banks determine who qualifies for a loan by calculating our credit score? Your credit score…

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Experts Spot Recession Signs in Michigan

Experts Spot Recession Signs in Michigan

Soaring prices for items such as gas, airline tickets, food, and more are signaling alarms to economic experts. According to a June report by the University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers, buyer sentiment decreased by 14.4 percent in June, and roughly 79 percent of consumers anticipate bad times for business conditions in 2023.  University of…

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Alternative Loans Explained

Alternative Loans Explained

Conventional loans are not the only way borrowers can get approved – alternative loans include non-conforming loans, stated income loans, Alt-A loans, portfolio loans, and others. Where conventional loans cannot provide purchasing power, alternative loans can work for the right buyer.  Alternative loans are meant to assist unconventional borrowers to secure financing. Atypical buyers can…

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Four Ways to Improve Curb Appeal

Four Ways to Improve Curb Appeal

Making a first impression with potential buyers can be a hit-or-miss scenario. In today’s seller’s market, it’s important to hook buyers…but how? The simplest answer: curb appeal.  Your home’s appearance can have a huge impact on how much money a potential buyer is going to fork over. Houses with a poor exterior sell for seven…

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Do High Interest Rates Mean Cheaper Houses?

Do High Interest Rates Mean Cheaper Houses?

The housing market has never been as hot as the last couple of years. A combination of a low inventory, supply chain issues, and high demand has sent prices through the figurative roof at a record pace. No longer bound to downtown offices, remote workers can save thousands on housing costs by migrating to the…

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Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates for First Time Since 2018 to Combat Inflation

Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates for First Time Since 2018 to Combat Inflation

In March, interest rates were increased – with six more increases scheduled before year end – marking the most aggressive pace in over 15 years. The Federal Reserve hopes to thwart rising inflation, which is at its highest levels in four decades. Rising to a point between .25 percent and .5 percent, the benchmark federal-funds…

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Securing an Energy-Efficient Mortgage

Securing an Energy-Efficient Mortgage

There are plenty of reasons to have an energy-efficient home, one of which includes lower electrical bills. The Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM) program from Fannie Mae, titled HomeStyle®, is a great way to go green, but what does it consist of, exactly? Read on to find out. Energy-Efficient Mortgages are used to finance houses that…

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