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The Perks of Using a Mortgage Broker

The Perks of Using a Mortgage Broker

Mortgage brokers are intermediaries between real estate purchasers and loan agencies. They help borrowers find a lender with the best terms and rates based on their monetary requirements. Experienced mortgage brokers can save a borrower time, effort, and money. They also have access to more lenders. Working with a skilled and knowledgeable mortgage broker can…

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Debt Service Coverage Ratio Mortgages

Debt Service Coverage Ratio Mortgages

Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) mortgages are intended to help real estate investors and property owners finance their properties with flexibility and control. Traditional mortgages focus mainly on the borrower’s credit score and income, while DSCR mortgages consider the property’s cash flow to determine the borrower’s repayment ability. Based on the property’s actual income and…

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Preapproved Versus Prequalified

Preapproved Versus Prequalified

Though prequalified and preapproved sound like similar terms, they actually mean different things in the mortgage industry, depending on the creditor and the type of loan or credit. Many creditors use the terms interchangeably, but they are, in fact, different. Despite whether the buyer is trying to get prequalified or preapproved, a creditor must do…

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New Federal Rule Increases Payments for Homebuyers with Good Credit

New Federal Rule Increases Payments for Homebuyers with Good Credit

Higher mortgage rates and fees are now increased for homebuyers with good credit ratings thanks to a novel governmental rule to subsidize other potential homebuyers with lower credit scores. As part of the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s push toward affordable housing, the fees will affect mortgages secured in private banks across the United States.  Homebuyers…

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Investment Property Rental Loans

Investment Property Rental Loans

Rental loans, or Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) loans, are tapered to rental investment properties. The DSCR metric evaluates the rental income, operating expenses, and mortgage expenses to formulate a dollar value.  Commercial lenders (private lenders, banks, etc.) typically require a minimum DSCR to qualify for a Loan-to-Value (LTV). DSCR loans provide a personal guarantee…

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<strong>How to Buy a Home in Nine Steps</strong>

How to Buy a Home in Nine Steps

Homeownership can be both rewarding and daunting, especially for new buyers. If you’re in the market for a new home and aren’t sure what the procedures are, follow these nine steps to help guide you in the right direction.  Are you in the market for a new mortgage? Contact the experts at EB Mortgage today…

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2023 Housing Market Predictions

2023 Housing Market Predictions

The housing market is being eyed with heavy suspicion and uncertainty as rising interest rates combined with an unstable housing market and an increase in median sales prices. With the new year comes new questions pertaining to costs, sales, and more. Home values in Michigan have risen by roughly 32 percent in the past two…

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<strong>Home Equity Basics</strong>

Home Equity Basics

By owning your own home, equity allows you to build wealth through time. Homeowners are responsible for maintaining the house after the mortgage closes, but it’s not for nothing. Home equity builds with each payment made towards your mortgage and the value of comparable sales in your neighborhood. Home equity is the value of your…

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<strong>Home Equity Statistics</strong>

Home Equity Statistics

Home equity is a hot topic lately, especially since home prices have escalated recently. In the second quarter of 2022, the average level of equity for homeowners with mortgages reached almost $300,000. Over the past five years, home equity has been skyrocketing, spurred into overdrive by the pandemic.  According to the National Association of Realtors,…

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