Conventional loans are not the only way borrowers can get approved – alternative loans include non-conforming loans, stated income loans, Alt-A loans, portfolio loans, and others. Where conventional loans cannot provide purchasing power, alternative loans can work for the right buyer. Alternative loans are meant to assist unconventional borrowers to secure financing. Atypical buyers can…
Read moreMaking a first impression with potential buyers can be a hit-or-miss scenario. In today’s seller’s market, it’s important to hook buyers…but how? The simplest answer: curb appeal. Your home’s appearance can have a huge impact on how much money a potential buyer is going to fork over. Houses with a poor exterior sell for seven…
Read moreThe housing market has never been as hot as the last couple of years. A combination of a low inventory, supply chain issues, and high demand has sent prices through the figurative roof at a record pace. No longer bound to downtown offices, remote workers can save thousands on housing costs by migrating to the…
Read moreThere are plenty of reasons to have an energy-efficient home, one of which includes lower electrical bills. The Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM) program from Fannie Mae, titled HomeStyle®, is a great way to go green, but what does it consist of, exactly? Read on to find out. Energy-Efficient Mortgages are used to finance houses that…
Read moreThe word “equity” is synonymous with home loans, but many people aren’t fully aware of what the term means. Have questions? We’ve got answers. Read on to learn everything you need to know about home equity. Home equity is an asset; a part of your property that you own, it can fluctuate based on the…
Read moreMortgage companies often require specific documents to analyze the borrower’s financial situation prior to approval. One of the most important aspects of getting approved for a mortgage is your credit score, which shows how well the borrower can meet their financial obligations. In addition to considering your credit score, lenders look at the borrower’s DTI…
Read moreBorrowers looking to get approved for a mortgage and cannot show income verification are perfect candidates for no-doc loans. This type of mortgage loan does not require tax returns or income verification. To qualify for a no-doc mortgage loan, borrowers have to show adequate credit history, real estate investment experience, and liquid assets, which are…
Read moreSelf-employed applicants looking to purchase a home will have to fill out the same paperwork as those not self-employed, and lenders look at the same aspects such as credit score, debt, assets, income, etc. So what’s the difference between a self-employed applicant and everyone else? When working for a company or business, lenders will verify…
Read moreIf you have been eyeing a new home or thinking about buying, now is the time. Headlines skim past buyers as the seller’s market has been steaming hot. Bidding wars have been on the rise due to low mortgage rates and price appreciation. Thankfully, there are clear signs that buyer opportunities are increasing during autumn….
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